Mini humidificador de sombrero de vaquero USB

Mini humidificador de sombrero de vaquero USB a la ventaNo importa dónde estés, puedes llevarla contigo. La clave es no ocupar mucho espacio. Solo usa agua embotellada que está disponible en todas par

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Mini humidificador de sombrero de vaquero USB a la venta

No importa dónde estés, puedes llevarla contigo. La clave es no ocupar mucho espacio. Solo usa agua embotellada que está disponible en todas partes y conecta la fuente de alimentación USB para humidificar.

Haga que su habitación o automóvil y el aire circundante sean instantáneamente frescos e hidratados.

Recordatorio amistoso: agregue un poco de aromaterapia para un mejor efecto ~ 5 colores disponibles: rosa, azul, negro, blanco, marrón

¡El humidificador no está exento de niebla! ! !

¡Pero el hisopo de algodón no se empuja a la posición! ¡Por lo tanto, el atomizador no puede absorber agua! Remoje el hisopo de algodón en agua durante un minuto cuando lo use por primera vez. ~ !!

Características del producto: mini, elegante, portátil y práctico, adecuado para la mayoría de las botellas de agua mineral de marca.


1. Agregar vinagre al tanque de agua puede prevenir los resfriados.

2. Agregue desinfectante al tanque de agua para limpiar y desinfectar la habitación.

3. Agregue unas gotas de agua del inodoro al humidificador para aliviar la congestión nasal de los niños.

4. El aceite esencial de lavanda se vierte en el humidificador para mejorar la calidad del sueño.

5. Agregar 3 o 4 gotas de aceite esencial de limón en el tanque de agua puede regular la piel de la mujer y blanquearla.

6. Coloque un humidificador junto a la computadora para eliminar la electricidad estática.

7. Agregar agua salada ligera al tanque de agua puede aliviar el dolor de garganta y la faringitis crónica.

8. Encienda el humidificador cuando corte cebollas para evitar desgarros.

¡El último mini humidificador con tapa de botella mágica, súper ahorro de energía, niebla más grande, más delgada y más encantadora! ¡El arma secreta indispensable para la gente de moda y los oficinistas! ¡Deshazte de la sequedad, deshazte de los problemas!

Durante todo el año, en la oficina estamos soplando el aire acondicionado todos los días. Sentados frente a la computadora todos los días, encontramos que nuestra piel y labios se están resecando cada vez más, y nuestros párpados están casi secos. Es irrelevante para la mirada tenue en nuestros ojos ... Una serie de reacciones de sequedad y calor conducen gradualmente al "aire acondicionado". Enfermedad "Nuestra resistencia disminuye gradualmente.

Además de beber mucha agua, se recomienda colocar un humidificador en el escritorio. No solo puede ajustar la temperatura del aire interior, sino también prevenir enfermedades, eliminar la electricidad estática y mantener el cuidado de la piel. Sin embargo, un humidificador que se puede usar en toda la oficina es muy caro. Entonces, ¿por qué no disfrutar usted mismo de un mini humidificador?


USB Mini Jean Cap Humidifier in Hot Sales

No matter where you are, you can carry her with you. The key is not to occupy much space. Just use the bottled water you can buy everywhere around you and plug in the USB power supply to humidify it.

Instantly refresh and moisturize your room or carriage and the surrounding air.

Friendship reminder: add some aromatherapy effect is better ~ 5 colors optional: pink, blue, black, white, coffee

Humidifier is not foggy!!!

Instead of putting the cotton stick in position!!!! So the atomizer can't absorb water!!! First use, soak the cotton stick in water for one minute, top it, and then connect the power supply, it will fog!

Product features: Mini, fashionable, portable, practical, suitable for most brand mineral water bottles.


1. Adding vinegar to the water tank can prevent colds.

2. Add disinfectant to the water tank to clean and disinfect the room.

3. Adding a few drops of dew to the humidifier can relieve children's nasal congestion.

4. Dripping lavender essential oil into the humidifier can improve the quality of sleep.

5. Adding 3 or 4 drops of lemon essential oil to the water tank can regulate and whiten women's skin.

6. Put humidifier beside the computer to remove static electricity.

7. Add salt water to the water tank to relieve sore throat and chronic pharyngitis.

8. Open humidifier when cutting onions to avoid tears.

The latest magic bottle cap Mini humidifier, super power saving, bigger fog, finer, more charming! ___________ Trends, office white-collar essential secret weapons! Get rid of dryness and worry!

All year round, office workers of us, blowing air conditioning every day, sitting in front of the computer every day, found that the skin and lips are getting drier and drier, eyelids are almost dry, dim eyes have nothing to do with... A series of hot and dry reactions gradually got "air conditioning disease" and our resistance gradually declined.

In addition to drinking more water, it is suggested to put a humidifier on the desk, which can adjust the indoor air temperature, prevent diseases, eliminate static electricity, and maintain skin. But a humidifier that can be applied to the whole office is very expensive, so why not enjoy a Mini humidifier?











3. 加湿器里加几滴花露水,可缓解儿童鼻塞。

4. 加湿器里滴入熏衣草精油,可提高睡眠质量。

5. 在水箱中加入3、4滴柠檬精油,能对女性皮肤起到调节作用,并能美白。

6.  电脑旁边放加湿器,可以清除静电







USB Mini Jean Cap Humidifier in Hot Sales

No matter where you are, you can carry her with you. The key is not to occupy much space. Just use the bottled water you can buy everywhere around you and plug in the USB power supply to humidify it.

Instantly refresh and moisturize your room or carriage and the surrounding air.

Friendship reminder: add some aromatherapy effect is better ~ 5 colors optional: pink, blue, black, white, coffee

Humidifier is not foggy!!!

Instead of putting the cotton stick in position!!!! So the atomizer can't absorb water!!! First use, soak the cotton stick in water for one minute, top it, and then connect the power supply, it will fog!

Product features: Mini, fashionable, portable, practical, suitable for most brand mineral water bottles.


1. Adding vinegar to the water tank can prevent colds.

2. Add disinfectant to the water tank to clean and disinfect the room.

3. Adding a few drops of dew to the humidifier can relieve children's nasal congestion.

4. Dripping lavender essential oil into the humidifier can improve the quality of sleep.

5. Adding 3 or 4 drops of lemon essential oil to the water tank can regulate and whiten women's skin.

6. Put humidifier beside the computer to remove static electricity.

7. Add salt water to the water tank to relieve sore throat and chronic pharyngitis.

8. Open humidifier when cutting onions to avoid tears.

The latest magic bottle cap Mini humidifier, super power saving, bigger fog, finer, more charming! ___________ Trends, office white-collar essential secret weapons! Get rid of dryness and worry!

All year round, office workers of us, blowing air conditioning every day, sitting in front of the computer every day, found that the skin and lips are getting drier and drier, eyelids are almost dry, dim eyes have nothing to do with... A series of hot and dry reactions gradually got "air conditioning disease" and our resistance gradually declined.

In addition to drinking more water, it is suggested to put a humidifier on the desk, which can adjust the indoor air temperature, prevent diseases, eliminate static electricity, and maintain skin. But a humidifier that can be applied to the whole office is very expensive, so why not enjoy a Mini humidifier?











3. 加湿器里加几滴花露水,可缓解儿童鼻塞。

4. 加湿器里滴入熏衣草精油,可提高睡眠质量。

5. 在水箱中加入3、4滴柠檬精油,能对女性皮肤起到调节作用,并能美白。

6.  电脑旁边放加湿器,可以清除静电







USB Mini Jean Cap Humidifier in Hot Sales

No matter where you are, you can carry her with you. The key is not to occupy much space. Just use the bottled water you can buy everywhere around you and plug in the USB power supply to humidify it.

Instantly refresh and moisturize your room or carriage and the surrounding air.

Friendship reminder: add some aromatherapy effect is better ~ 5 colors optional: pink, blue, black, white, coffee

Humidifier is not foggy!!!

Instead of putting the cotton stick in position!!!! So the atomizer can't absorb water!!! First use, soak the cotton stick in water for one minute, top it, and then connect the power supply, it will fog!

Product features: Mini, fashionable, portable, practical, suitable for most brand mineral water bottles.


1. Adding vinegar to the water tank can prevent colds.

2. Add disinfectant to the water tank to clean and disinfect the room.

3. Adding a few drops of dew to the humidifier can relieve children's nasal congestion.

4. Dripping lavender essential oil into the humidifier can improve the quality of sleep.

5. Adding 3 or 4 drops of lemon essential oil to the water tank can regulate and whiten women's skin.

6. Put humidifier beside the computer to remove static electricity.

7. Add salt water to the water tank to relieve sore throat and chronic pharyngitis.

8. Open humidifier when cutting onions to avoid tears.

The latest magic bottle cap Mini humidifier, super power saving, bigger fog, finer, more charming! ___________ Trends, office white-collar essential secret weapons! Get rid of dryness and worry!

All year round, office workers of us, blowing air conditioning every day, sitting in front of the computer every day, found that the skin and lips are getting drier and drier, eyelids are almost dry, dim eyes have nothing to do with... A series of hot and dry reactions gradually got "air conditioning disease" and our resistance gradually declined.

In addition to drinking more water, it is suggested to put a humidifier on the desk, which can adjust the indoor air temperature, prevent diseases, eliminate static electricity, and maintain skin. But a humidifier that can be applied to the whole office is very expensive, so why not enjoy a Mini humidifier?